HC Deb 07 May 1908 vol 188 c402
MR. ESSEX (Gloucestershire, Cirencester)

To ask the hon. Member for the Elland Division, as representing the Charity Commissioners, whether the three funds left prior to 1829 by the following persons for the benefit of the inhabitants of Welford-on-Avon are still in existence, and, if so, under whose control they are: Thomas Mills left £3 per annum for ever, Richard Rawlins a sum for the teaching of eight boys, Lady Anne Milward a sum of money for the annual relief of the poor.

(Answered by Mr. Charles Hobhouse.) The Charity Commissioners inform me that in 1885 they ascertained that the charge constituting the Charity of Thomas Mills had not been paid since 1872 and they considered that it was irrecoverable. The Charity of Richard Rawlins has been transferred to the jurisdiction of the Board of Education as a solely educational endowment. The Commissioners have no record of any Charity of Lady Anne Milward at Welford or elsewhere.