HC Deb 26 March 1908 vol 186 c1543

To ask the Secretary of State for India, whether he can give the House any information regarding the attempted assassination early in this month by a Bengali of Mr. Hickinbotham, of the Church Missionary Society, at Kushtia; and whether he will make inquiries if this act was prompted or encouraged by the boycott and Swadeshi movement in Bengal.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Morley.) I have no information on the subject beyond what I have seen in the newspapers regarding the lamentable occurrence. I see at present no sufficient ground for making the inquiry suggested.

Rates for Butter, Bacon, and Eggs by Goods Train.
From Tralee to Butter. Bacon. Eggs.
Viâ Dublin. ViâCork or Water-ford. Viâ Dublin and Liverpool Screw Steam Packet Company or Tedcastle Company. Viâ Cork or Waterford. By other routes. Viâ Dublin. Viâ Cork or Waterford.
Company's risk. Per ton. Company's risk. Per ton. Company's risk. Per ton. Company's risk. Per ton. Company's risk. Per ton. Company's risk. Per ton. Owner's risk. Per ton. Company's risk. Per ton. Owner's Risk. Per ton.
s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.
Liverpool 33 4 30 0 17 6 15 10 25 10 45 0 40 10 40 10 35 10
in boxes, Viâ Water-ford, 12s.
All the above rates with Liverpool are station to station.