§ MR. BERRIDGE (Warwick and Leamington)To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, what is the total annual amount of the compensation levy authorised by the Licensing Act of 1004, giving the figures separately for each licensing area, and distinguishing in cases where the amount authorised has only partially or has not been levied; and whether, if the foregoing information is not available, it would be possible to secure the same at an early date.
(Answered by Mr. Secretary Gladstone.) The information available on this subject is given in Table II. (c) of the Licensing Statistics for 1907, Cd. 3951, and in the corresponding tables in the volumes for previous years. It is estimated that if the maximum charges had been imposed in all cases in the year 1907 the total of £1,099,052 shown in Table II. (c) would have been increased by a sum of about £67,000.