HC Deb 23 March 1908 vol 186 cc1088-9
MR. CURRAN (Durham, Jarrow)

I beg to ask the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that three postmen at Bethnal Green were recently taken into a room and searched, their pockets being turned out, tobacco boxes opened, etc., and that although the overseer responsible for this denies that he locked the men in, all three positively assert that he did so; whether he is aware that the real culprit was subsequently arrested, and that when the men asked that an official statement of regret should be recorded so that no suspicion should rest upon them, they were informed, in the Postmaster General's name, that the search was made by their own consent, that they had nothing to complain of, and that they must be careful about putting forward such complaints again; will he say whether he sanctioned these innocent men being treated in this fashion; and whether, in view of the statement that they were searched by their own consent, and of their difficulty in refusing to be searched without suspicion being cast upon them or being punished, he will state whether he proposes to take steps to prevent a recurrence of such action.


In the course of an investigation into certain thefts from the post, a man who was suspected, and who has since been prosecuted and convicted, made statements indicating that he was likely to endeavour to divert suspicion from himself to certain postmen. It was thought desirable, in the interests of these postmen themselves, to give them at once an opportunity of showing that the stolen property was not in their possession. They were therefore asked whether they were willing to produce the contents of their pockets, and they were clearly informed at the same time that they were not suspected of dishonesty. They made no objection whatever at the time, and when they submitted a memorial to me later, I saw no reason to doubt that the action taken was proper in itself, and entirely in their own interest. No suspicion of dishonesty whatever rests on these men.


What would have happened had these men refused to submit to the search?


Nothing whatever.