HC Deb 18 March 1908 vol 186 c581

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland what is the value of fish exported from Ireland, caught by Irish boats, and imported into Ireland in the year 1907; what are the corresponding figures for Scotland; and whether any steps have been taken by the Congested Districts Board or the Department of Agriculture to secure, by co-operation among the various fishing ports or otherwise, that a regular supply of Irish fish would be available to meet the demands of those districts in Ireland that now have to import their fish, at considerable cost, from foreign ports.


The statistics as to the Irish exports and imports of fish for 1907 are not yet available. I have no information as to the figures for Scotland. The Department of Agriculture have made extensive inquiries as to the best means of securing that fish for Irish consumption should be supplied from Irish sources, and of developing additional markets in Ireland for fish taken at home. The question is beset with difficulties which it has not yet been possible to overcome, the chief difficulty being that the large distributing markets are better able than small Irish fishing ports to send an unfailing supply to the small dealers in many parts of Ireland. The Department, however, are pursuing their inquiries in the matter, and will do their best to bring about the desired end.


suggested that a number of ports might combine for the purpose of sending fish away.