HC Deb 10 March 1908 vol 185 cc1283-4
MR. J. DEVLIN (Belfast, W.)

To ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that the firm of Thomas S. Dixon and Company, Limited, are contractors to the Belfast Harbour Commissioners; if so, whether he could state the nature and amount of the contract, the date on which it was entered upon, and the names of the directors, the date of registration, and principal shareholders of the company; whether one of the directors of the company is Sir Thomas J. Dixon, Baronet; whether Sir Thomas Dixon was present at any of the meetings of the Commissioners where the contract was discussed or has been present at any of their meetings since; and, if so, whether he proposes to take any action in the matter with a view to enforcing the penalties for such action provided under The Commissioners Clauses Act, 1847.

(Answered by Mr. Lloyd-George.) I am informed by the Belfast Harbour Commissioners that the circumstances were as follows: The Commissioners hiving, in accordance with their usual practice, advertised for tenders for the supply of stores, received a large number whereof that of Messrs. T. S. Dixon and Company, Limited, was the lowest for cement and slates, and was accordingly accepted on 3rd December last. Sir Thomas Dixon, who is chairman of the company, was not present at any meeting when these contracts were discussed, and, on learning what had happened, and previous to any orders being issued to that firm or any deliveries being made upon the contracts, he requested the Commissioners to cancel such contracts, and undertook to indemnify the Commissioners against any extra cost incurred in obtaining the supplies elsewhere. The Commissioner acceded to this request, and Sir Thomas. Dixon has since attended meetings of the Harbour Board.