HC Deb 10 March 1908 vol 185 cc1284-6

To ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that Mr. James M'Connell, a member of the Belfast Harbour Trust, is the chairman and managing director of the firm of W. D. Henderson and Sons, Limited, and a shareholder therein to the extent of £9,930, out of a total nominal capital share of £10,000; whether this firm is or has been a contractor, sub-contractor, or agent for the supply of cement to the Harbour Commissioners; if so, what amount has been paid to this firm by the Commissioners since 8th July, 1903; and whether, in view of the 9th section of the Commissioners Clauses Act of 1847, which provides that there shill be no conflict of interest between a commissioner in his official capacity and a commissioner in his individual capacity, he proposes, after due inquiry, to take steps to have the full penalty provided under the 15th Section of the Act referred to enforced in this instance.

(Answered by Mr. Lloyd-George.) I am informed by the Belfast Harbour Board that Mr. James M'Connell is a director and presumably a shareholder in the firm of W. D. Henderson and Sons, Limited, but that this company has not to the knowledge of the Harbour Board been at any time a contractor, sub-contractor, or agent for the supply of cement or any other goods to the board, or received any payment from them since 8th July, 1903, or previously.


To ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that Mr. James M'Connell was a member of the Belfast Harbour Commissioners on 31st August, 1903, when the contract of Walter Scott and Middleton, Limited, for £206,000 odd was accepted by the Commissioners in connection with the construction of the new graving dock at Belfast, and took an active part in dealing with the tenders submitted; that on the 8th July, 1903, Mr. M'Connell's business was formed into a limited liability company, with a share capital of £10,000, £9,930 worth of which was held by him; that all the cement required for the dock has been supplied through this limited company, which trade under the style and title of W. D. Henderson and Sons, Limited; that the adulterant of Kentish ragstone has been used in the cement so supplied, contrary to the terms of the specification; and, if so, whether he will take steps to ensure that the provisions of the Commissioners Clauses Act of 1847, prohibiting a commissioner from participating in the benefit of any contract with the trust are duly enforced.

(Answered by Mr. Lloyd-George.) I am informed that Mr. James M'Connell was a member of the Belfast Harbour Board on 31st August, 1903, when the tender referred to was received, but that he was not present at any of the three meetings of the Commissioners when the contract was accepted and such acceptance confirmed. I do not know when his business was turned into a limited, liability company, what its capital is, or how many shares he holds. The Commissioners state that they understand that Messrs. Walter Scott and Middleton, Limited, the contractors for the new graving dock, procure their cement largely, if not wholly, from the Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers, Limited, that each delivery of cement is accompanied with a certificate from the manufacturers as to its quality, and that the Commissioners employ a special expert to inspect and test each delivery of cement, in accordance with the requirements of the contract.