HC Deb 05 March 1908 vol 185 c890

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the eviction of five families on the Weatherall estate at Ballincurry, and six families on the Crofton estate at Kiltycreeva, in North Longford, is about to take place under decrees granted at the instance of landlords at the recent quarter sessions; whether this policy of eviction finds sanction with the Irish Government; and whether the forces of the Crown will be granted to carry out such evictions.


The Estates Commissioners have no knowledge of the matter referred to in the Question, nor do they consider that the matter is one in which they could interfere. In any event, if the evictions should be proceeded with, it would not be legal for the Executive Government to refuse the assistance of the forces of the Crown for the protection of the Sheriff when engaged in the execution of the King's writ.