HC Deb 05 March 1908 vol 185 c879

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether Scottish candidates under St. Andrew Ambulance for masters' and mates' first-aid certificates must attend eight lectures out of twelve, while the English candidates under St. John Ambulance have to attend only four and five lectures; and whether, seeing that this system involves more time, trouble, and expense to the Scottish candidate than is deemed necessary for the English candidate, he will take steps to make the two courses equal.


The St. John Association requires a minimum of four lectures of two hours' duration; the St. Andrew a minimum of eight lectures of one-and-a-half hours' duration. The expense under the St. John varies from about 12s. 6d. to 17s. 6d., that under the St. Andrew's is fixed at £1 Is. We have no power to compel either of these associations to vary its course.