HC Deb 29 July 1908 vol 193 cc1463-4

To ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he has received further represenations from Kenmare protesting against the alteration in the railway time-table, whereby the interests of the people of the district are subordinated to those of a few tourists; and whether, seeing that the Headford and Kenmare Railway is largely main- tained by rates levied on ratepayers in the neighbouring baronies, he will see that the railway company is not permitted to ignore the reasonable wishes of the people of the district.

(Answered by Mr. Churchill.) The representations to which the hon. Member refers were duly received by the Board of Trade and communicated to the railway company with a request that they might receive careful consideration. The company's reply is as follows— Great Southern and Western Railway Company (Ireland), Kingsbridge, Dublin. 25th July, 1908. Sir.—In reply to your letters of the 21st and 23rd instant, I beg to inform you that my Board have again gone into the question of the train service on the Kenmare Branch, and they find that they must adhere to the decision conveyed to you in my letter of the 8th instant. The question was very carefully gone into by this company before the change in time-table was carried out, and every effort was made to supply such a service as would meet the reasonable requirements of both the through and local traffic. I have only to add that the present service is really a better one than the traffic warrants, and that this branch line is worked at a considerable loss to the company.—(Signed) I am, etc., FRANCIS B. ORMSBY. Secretary.