HC Deb 27 July 1908 vol 193 cc838-9
SIR H. COTTON (Nottingham, E.)

To ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the director of public works in Ceylon has issued instructions to the consulting engineers to the Crown Agents for the Colony not to recommend Ceylonese applicants for appointments in the Colony; and, if so, whether any action has been taken by the Government in regard to this matter.

(Answered by Colonel Seely.) The director of public works is not in a position to give instructions to the consulting engineers, and I am not aware that he has attempted to do so.


To ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Ceylon Government recently advertised for eleven posts of land settlement officers with a salary of Rs.9,000 per annum; whether there were about 200 applicants, mostly Ceylonese, many of whom were highly qualified for the office in virtue of their knowledge of the native languages and of law; and whether all the appointments have been filled up by the selection of European candidates who were less qualified in these respects.

(Answered by Colonel Seely.) I am not aware of it, but inquiry will be made.