HC Deb 09 July 1908 vol 192 c47
MR. PIRIE (Aberdeen, N.)

To ask the Under-Secretary of State for India if he will give the stations where Scottish regiments are at present quartered in India, specifying those quarters where Presbyterian places of worship exist, and also give the names of localities where such places of worship exist in India and at which it would be possible to station such regiments.

(Answered by Mr. Buchanan.) The stations at which Scottish regiments are at present quartered in India are Bombay, Bareilly, Cawnpore, Dinapore, Calcutta, Sialkot, and Nowshera. Places of worship are available for their exclusive use at all these stations except Nowshera. My hon. friend will find a complete list of the localities where churches available for Presbyterian worship exist at page 20 of the Papers [Cd. 4022] recently presented to Parliament.