HC Deb 08 July 1908 vol 191 c1639
MR. DUNDAS WHITE (Dumbartonshire)

To ask the Secretary for Scotland what is the area at Loch Sween in respect of which a monopoly of oyster and mussel fishery was created by the oyster and Mussel Fisheries (Loch Sween) Order Confirmation Act, 1891; what rent has been paid by the persons who obtained that monopoly; and what sums have been expended by them on laying down spat or young oysters, or otherwise improving the oyster and mussel beds, during the seventeen years that they have had that monopoly.

(Answered by Mr. Sinclair.) The area included in the Loch Sween Order represents 4,162 acres. The rent since 1901 has been £12 per annum. I am informed that the estimated total outlay by the lessees has exceeded £1,800, and so far they have received no return for this outlay.