§ MR. REMNANT (Finsbury, Holborn)To ask the President of the Local Government Board, whether, in reference to The Registration of Births Act, 1907, he is aware that many metropolitan borough councils have passed resolutions adopting the Act, but have not yet obtained the approval of the Local Government Board to their putting the Act in force; and whether he can state how soon this approval will be given, so that the benefits of the Act may be obtained.
(Answered by Mr. John Burns.) Some questions affecting the administration of the Act generally have had to be considered in connection with these resolutions. The cases will now shortly all be disposed of.
§ SIR W. J. COLLINS (St. Pancras, W.)To ask the President of the Local Government Board, how many of the local authorities to whom The Notification of Births Act, 1907, is applicable have adopted that Act in England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland, respectively; and whether the Local Government Board 26 has in any case taken action under Clause 3 of the Act, by putting it in force although it has not been adopted by the local authority.
(Answered by Mr. John Burns.) In England and Wales, with which only I am concerned in this matter, 113 local authorities have adopted the Act. The Answer to the second part of the Question is in the negative.