HC Deb 13 February 1908 vol 184 c209
MR. SUMMERBELL (Sunderland)

I beg to ask the Postmaster-General whether the introduction of piece-work at the Holloway factory has had the effect of materially reducing the wages of the men employed there; whether some of the employees are now receiving for the same amount of work as done at day-rate previously as much as £1 per week less; and, if so, whether it is his intention to reconsider the case of such employees with a view to an improvement in their conditions of labour.


The system of payment by piece-work has been in use at the Holloway factory ever since the factory was established. Occasionally of course there may be a loss on a piece-work job, but the average piecework earnings show a profit over the day-rates of pay of fully 30 per cent. The Select Committee on Post Office Servants did not recommend any change in the piece-work system.