HC Deb 05 February 1908 vol 183 c851
MR. STRAUS (Tower Hamlets, Mile End)

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he can give the cost of administering the Aliens Act up to the end of 1907 from the commencement, and the number of aliens who have been sent back.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Gladstone.) The payments from the sub-heads of the Home Office Vote, which relate to the administration of the Aliens Act up to 31st March last, i.e., a period including the financial year 1906–7 and the first three months of the calendar year 1906, amounted to £13,572 12s. 9d. The net expenditure in the current financial year is estimated at £11,400. The alien immigrants, to whom leave to land was refused in the calendar years 1906 and 1907, numbered 493 and 802 respectively, making a total of 1,295. I would repeat what I said in answer to somewhat similar Questions to other hon. Members in February and May last, that the cost of administering the Act covers the whole of its operations, which extend beyond the refusal of leave to land.