HC Deb 03 February 1908 vol 183 cc496-7

To ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies how many civil servants in the Transvaal, other than members of the South African Constabulary, and not transferred from service elsewhere, have been retrenched; how many of the retrenched have received compensation; how many have received pensions; how many have received both compensation and pension; and how many have received new appointments from the Colonial Office.

(Answered by Mr. Churchill.) A Return showing the number of retrenched officials between 1st May and 30th October last is being laid, but the information in the possession of the Colonial Office does not enable me to answer the Question in detail. A number of the trenchments took place under Lord Milner and Lord Selborne before the grant of responsible government. Out of fifty-four retrenched officials who had applied for re-employment up to the middle of January, some fourteen have been offered new appointments by the Colonial Office, and one by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs at the instance of this Department.


To ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies how many of the South African Constabulary of the Transvaal have been retrenched; and of these how many have received compensation, how many have received pension, how many have received both compensation and pension, and how many have received new appointments from the Colonial Office.

(Answered by Mr. Churchill.) Reductions in the South African Constabulary have been proceeding for some years, but I cannot give the detailed information asked for.