HC Deb 18 December 1908 vol 198 cc2226-7
MR. BRAMSDON (Portsmouth)

To-ask the First Lord of the Admiralty if he will state how many Government tugs there are at Portsmouth, and what are their names; have they all been regularly at work during the past twenty-eight days; if not, which ones have been off duty and the cause; to what extent have double boats been at work; is it contemplated to lay up any boats in dockyard hands; if so, what arrangements are being made to-take their place, having regard to the congested state of the work; is it also contemplated dispensing with any existing tugs and when; have any new ones been arranged for; and, if so, when will they commence work.

(Answered by Mr. McKenna.) Six tugs are attached to Portsmouth Dock-yard for general service, viz., "Malta,'" "Dromedary," "Volcano," "Camel," "Enterprise", and "Manly"; they have all been regularly at work during the past twenty-eight days except the "Dromedary," which was laid up for boiler test, etc., from 16th November to-7th December. Two tugs have been detailed for concurrent night duty i.e., "standing by" for emergencies, on six nights during spring tides. It is contemplated to lay up two tugs in dockyard hands shortly. No special arrangements have been made to take the place of these two vessels. It is anticipated that the work can be carried out by the remaining tugs. A new tug is being completed for Portsmouth, and is expected to take up her duties there early next year, but it has not yet been decided whether one of the existing tugs shall then be dispensed with.


To ask the First Lord of the Admiralty if he will state the average number of hours per day the men have been on duty in the Government tugs at Portsmouth during the past twenty-eight days; whether in doing so six or seven days per week are reckoned; what is the number of men employed in each boat; and what men have been sick during the time mentioned.

(Answered by Mr. McKenna.) The average number of hours the crews of tugs at Portsmouth Dockyard have been on duty during the past twenty-eight days is slightly less than ten per day, including time vessels were lying alongs[...]yard; seven days a week are reckoned; the numbers of men employed in each vessel are: seventeen as regards two vessels; fourteen as regards two vessels; eleven as regards one vessel; and nine as regards the remaining vessel. During the time mentioned one engineer was sick for twelve days; one engineer for three days; one stoker for six days and one boy for four days.