HC Deb 17 December 1908 vol 198 cc2069-70

To ask the hon. Member for the Crewe Division, as Church Estates Commissioner, whether he is aware that the road-making proposed for the benefit of the unemployed on the Commissioners' property in Winchester will cause the ejectment of eight allotment holders and serious disturbance of seventy-four others; whether he is aware that road-making could be carried out or other portions of the property which would cause no such disturbance, and, if so, what action he proposes to take.

(Answered by Mr. Tomkinson.) The Ecclesiastical Commissioners have not yet come to a decision as to the question of making roads at Winchester with a view to providing work for the unemployed, but if such a scheme is undertaken and would result in the disturbance of any allotment holders, that is a matter which has been foreseen and provided against. The allotment holders are in occupation of certain plots which they have been informed are amongst those most likely to be required at an early date for building purposes, but they have preferred to retain their tenancies of these plots until the necessity for disturbing them should actually arise, and on the understanding that in that event other land will be offered to them.


To ask the hon. Member for the Crewe Division, as Church Estates Commissioner, whether he is aware that owing to the terms imposed by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners on their building land, which almost entirely surrounds Winchester, namely, the granting of leaseholds instead of the sale of the freehold, no building development has taken place even after roads have been made; and whether he proposes to take any steps in the matter.

(Answered by Mr. Tomkinson.) I am not aware that the course adopted by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners of granting leases for building as contrasted with selling the freehold has hindered building operations on their estates in Winchester; on the contrary, in the last few years no less than 22 acres of land have been let on leases for 999 years for building purposes; most of these lettings have been during the last two years, and I am informed that, although there is a considerable area of building land in the immediate vicinity of Winchester belonging to other owners, such building development as is taking place there is upon the Commissioners' property.