HC Deb 03 December 1908 vol 197 cc1666-7

I beg to ask the Undersecretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been called to the alleged discovery of a successful treatment for sleeping sickness in horses; whether he has any information as to the details of a case at Sierra Leone in which this treatment is alleged to have been successful; and whether, in view of the importance of the subject, he will endeavour to secure that the matter shall receive careful investigation.


The attention of scientific men in this country and elsewhere is being continually directed to this matter, but the Secretary of State is advised that no successful treatment for trypanosomiasis in horses has yet been discovered. We are in possession of information which leads us to believe that there is a form of trypanosomiasis affecting animals in the neighbouring Colonies to Sierra Leone from which they may recover without any treatment. If, however, the hon. Gentleman will forward me the information on which he relies, we shall be glad to investigate the matter fully.