HC Deb 03 December 1908 vol 197 cc1642-3

To ask the Secretary of State for War under what conditions the grouping practices of the new musketry course will be carried out on the; numerous ranges on which, owing to the shooting taking place across a valley or ravine, firing at 100 yards range is impossible, and the approach from the firing points to the targets long and difficult, and, on the large ranges, such as Bisley and Wraysbury, where, owing to the large number of targets in use, great delay would be caused by the necessary interruption of firing while those who had fired on other targets were inspecting their group of shots.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.) The instructional practices are to act as a guide, and need not be rigidly adhered to. The whole object of the scheme is to enable commanding officers to make use of such facilities as are within their reach, placing a pattern before them to guide them on the right lines. On large ranges grouping practices can be commenced at the same time, and no great delay should occur. It is impossible to legislate for every class of range and every circumstance. I hope hon. Members will not prejudge this scheme before it has been put to a full test.