HC Deb 29 May 1907 vol 174 c1621
MR. JAMES O'CONNOR (Wicklow, W.)

To ask the Secretary to the Treasury if he can state what are the Treasury regulations respecting payment of pension to a superannuated Civil Servant who leaves this country for residence abroad.

(Answered by Mr. Runciman.) Persons in receipt of pensions from the Vote for Superannuation, etc., who emigrate to the Colonies are paid in the following ways:—1. By moans of forms payable at the Paymaster General's office, which are negotiable through any bank at home or abroad. 2. By means of powers of attorney. 3. By the officer in charge of the Treasury Chest, when there is a Treasury Chest station in the Colony. 4. Through the Colonial Treasurers of the self-governing Colonies, or other officer appointed by the Colony, where no Imperial paying officer is stationed, a charge of three per cent, being made by the Colonial authorities, which is borne by the pensioner.