HC Deb 16 May 1907 vol 174 cc1106-7

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether, in view of the sympathetic attitude of the late Chief Secretary towards the scheme of erecting a bridge connecting Dundrum with Redmond's Point, Ballykinlar, county Down, and the general desire of the farming class in that locality for such means of communication with Dundrum market, he will consult the various Departments concerned, including the War Office, with the object of obtaining plans, specification, and estimates of the cost of the work.


I would refer to the Answer given by Mr. Bryce to the Question put by the hon. and gallant Member on 10th July last.† At that time the Departments concerned, including the War Office, were communicated with, and it was decided, after careful consideration, that there would be no justification for incurring expenditure from State funds upon the project. In the circumstances the Government do not think that any useful purpose would be served by reopening the matter.


Is it not the fact that all classes in this district are unanimous in the desire for this bridge?


That may be so; but it is a matter for the county council rather than for the Government.


How about the War Office? Will the right hon. Gentleman apply to that Department?


I have given the answer of the War Office, and I do not think it is worth while to worry them again.