HC Deb 07 May 1907 vol 174 cc57-8

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called to the fact that another party of skilled mechanics from Woolwich Arsenal embarked at Dover on 1st May on their way to Germany, having been engaged for work in one of the arsenals there; and, in view of the probable shortage of skilled labour in our arsenal in time of war, land the advantage to a foreign Power and the disadvantage to our own country being palpable, he will reconsider his decision with regard to the discharges still pending at Woolwich.


It is manifestly impracticable to maintain the establishments of skilled workmen at the Ordnance Factories on a war footing in time of peace. As regards the specific question of discharges, I have nothing to add to the full statements which I have recently made to the House. I may add that I have no knowledge of the supposed emigration of workmen to continental arsenals, nor do I attach much importance to the rumour.

MR. J. WARD (Stoke-on-Trent)

Did the notice of dismissal to these men include a recommendation that they should emigrate to some other country?


asked for notice of the Question.