HC Deb 03 May 1907 vol 173 cc1169-70

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can state the total number of judges of the High Court, County Court judges, recorders, lords-lieutenant of counties, deputy lieutenants, justices of the peace, Crown solicitors, and clerks of the peace in Ireland; and how many, under each head, share the religious views of the majority of the people of Ireland.

(Answered by Mr. Birrell.) The total number of each of the above classes is as follows: Judges of the High Court, 17; County Court judges (including five recorders), 21;lieutenants of counties and of cities, 34; deputy lieutenants, 666; justices of the peace, (a) holding ordinary commission of the peace, 5,518, (b) ex-officio justices as chairmen of county or district councils or of town commissioners, 200, total 5,718; Crown solicitors (including, 10 sessional Crown solicitors), 41: clerks of the Crown and peace (including three clerkships of the peace that have not yet been united to the clerkships of the Crown), 36. Of the 5,518 persons holding the ordinary commission of the peace, 1,805 are believed to be Catholics and of the remainder there are 75 whose religious persuasion has not yet been ascertained. The religious persuasion of the 200 ex-officio justices is unknown. There is no official record of the religious persuasion of the members of the several other classes above-mentioned.