HC Deb 27 March 1907 vol 171 cc1773-4

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can give a Return showing the number of co-operative banks in each Parliamentary division in Ireland, the situation of each bank, the amount of capital in each bank and how it has been supplied, the present condition of each bank, the expenses of management, the total amount of loans issued during last year, and the amount now outstanding.

(Answered by Mr. Birrell.) The Department of Agriculture are not in possession of the information asked for, but it can for the most part be obtained through the Irish Agricultural Organisation Society. The society would, however, require some time to tabulate the necessary particulars. Under The Friendly Societies Act, 1875, societies such as the banks referred to are required to send to the Registrar of Friendly Societies, before1st June in each year, an audited statement of their receipts and expenditure in respect of the year ended the last day of the previous December. The Department understand that a Return for the year 1906 in regard to all these banks could not be completed until after 1st June next. There would be some difficulty in preparing the Return by Parliamentary divisions, and the Department would, therefore, propose that it should be prepared by counties, which would probably meet the object which the hon. Member has in view.