HC Deb 21 March 1907 vol 171 cc859-60

I beg to ask the Postmaster-General, under the Liverpool and Hong-Kong mail contract, in which it is proposed to pay to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company the sum of £60,000, whether the forwarding of the mails by this route will be more expeditious and economical than by the present route under the contract with the Peninsular and Oriental Shipping Company; or does the Government intend renewing the contract with the latter company on its expiration at the end of the year and subsidise two alternative routes.


The monthly mail service with Japan and China viaVancouver, carried out by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for many years paid under subsidy, has always been in addition to the British Packet Service by the Suez route; and no change in this respect is contemplated. Voyage for voyage the route of Vancouver is more expeditious than that of Suez in the case of correspondence for Japan and Shanghai, but there are more frequent despatches via Suez. The question of the course to be followed on the termination of the existing contract with the Peninsular and Oriental Steam I Navigation Company is under consideration; and I am not yet in a position to make a definite statement on the subject.


I beg also to ask the Postmaster-General what was the amount of postage collected last year upon the letters sent to Hong-Kong from this country via Canada; and what is the annual subsidy paid by the British taxpayer to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for carrying such letters.

I beg further to ask the Postmaster-General what is the time taken by the mail from London to Hong-Kong viathe Suez Canal as compared with the time taken via Canada; and what is approximately the weight of letters sent by the former route as compared with the latter.

May I further ask the Postmaster-General what is the number of mail services per annum from this country to Hong-Kong via the Suez Canal, and what is the number of mail services via Canada; and what is the net annual cost to the British taxpayer of the two sets of services respectively, after deducting receipts from postage.


I am not yet in a position to give the detailed information asked for by the hon. Member in his three Questions. The necessary calculations are, however, being made, and the figures shall be furnished as soon as possible.


How many mail bags are sent by each mail on the Canadian Pacific route?


I must ask for notice of that.