HC Deb 21 March 1907 vol 171 c860
MR. O'GRADY (Leeds, E.)

I beg to ask Mr. Attorney-General whether his attention has been called to a case which was before the Grimsby County Court on Tuesday, 12th February (Marris v. Olsen), in which an employer was sued for not teaching an apprentice his business, and which was dismissed without a hearing, on the ground that only a written undertaking had been given, and that the proper indenture had not sealed the contract; and whether, seeing that there was evidence of mutual acceptance of the terms of the said agreement by reason of the fact that a considerable portion of the agreed period of apprenticeship had been worked, he will take steps to secure that a written undertaking in such cases shall be a legal contract as though a proper indenture form was used.

THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL (Sir John Walton,) Leeds, S.

The Question refers to an extreme illustration of a well-known law. I can hold out no hope of legislation on the subject.