§ MR. WILLIAM ABRAHAM (Glamorganshire, Rhondda)To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ire-land whether the Estates Commissioners are in a position to state when the reinstatement of Mrs. Lombard to her holding on the Listowel estate, Ballyhooly, county Cork, will be effected; and if her application for an increase of the free grant for rebuilding and restocking the farm will be favourably entertained, seeing that the amount proposed to be allocated would prove inadequate.
(Answered by Mr. Birrell.) The solicitors to the owner in this case have not yet lodged the purchase agreement in the case of Mrs. Bridget Lombard, to whom the Estates Commissioners have sanctioned a free grant of £100. When reinstatement has taken place the Commissioners will consider Mrs. Lombard's application for a further grant.