§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON reported from the Committee of Selection; That they had added to Standing Committee A the following Fifteen Members (in respect of the Married Women's Property Bill): MR. Micklem, Sir Henry Kimber, MR. Radford, MR. Berridge, Sir Francis Lowe, MR. Astbury, MR. White head, MR. Bertram, MR. Napier, Sir Edward Boyle, MR. Haddock, MR. Morton, MR. Brooke, MR. Silcock, and MR. Hazleton.
§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee; That they had added to Standing Committee A the following Fifteen Members (in respect of the Incest Bill): Colonel Lockwood, Sir John Kennaway, MR. Crossley, MR. Henry J. Wilson, MR. Goddard Clarke, MR. Maclean, MR. John Wilson, MR. George Hardy, MR. Weir, MR. Hedges, Earl of Ronaldshay, Colonel Sandys, MR. Houston, MR. Robert Pearce, and MR. Russell Rea.
§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee; That they had added to Standing Committee A the following Fifteen Members (in respect of the Injured Animals Act (1894) Amendment Bill): SIR Howard Vincent, Sir William Brampton Gurdon, Sir Frederick Banbury, MR. Warner, Sir Philip Muntz, MR. Jackson, MR. Crosfield, MR. Alan Gardner, Major Dunne, MR. Freeman-Thomas, MR. Rothschild, MR. Luttrell, MR. George Greenwood, MR. Thornton, and MR. Leverton Harris.
§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee; That they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee B (in respect of the Criminal Appeal BILL): MR. Solicitor-General, MR. Burns, Dr.
1252§ Macnamara, MR. Massie, and Sir Thomas Whittaker; and had appointed in substitution: MR. Attorney-General, MR. Secretary Gladstone, MR. Herbert Samuel, MR. Whitehead, and MR. Silcock.
§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee; That they had added to Standing Committee B the following Fifteen Members (in respect of the Criminal Appeal Bill): Sir William Anson, MR. Rawlinson, Sir Edward Carson, Sir Howard Vincent, MR. Lyttelton, MR. Adkins, MR. George Greenwood, MR. Stanger, MR. Buck master, MR. Pickersgill, MR. Bottomley, MR. Mallet, MR. Osmond Williams, Sir Thomas Roe, and MR. Lloyd Morgan.
§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee; That they had added to Standing Committee C the following Fifteen Members (in respect of the Imported Watch cases Bill): Colonel M'Calmont, Sir Samuel Scott, MR. T. L. Corbett, MR. W. F. D. Smith, MR. William Nicholson, MR. B. S. Straus, MR. Montagu, MR. Wynford Philipps, MR. Myer, MR. George H. Faber, MR. Seddon, MR. William Johnson, MR. Waterlow, MR. Haworth, and MR. Cairns.
§ Reports to lie upon the Table.