HC Deb 19 February 1907 vol 169 c703

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether his attention has been drawn to the fact than an under-trial prisoner in the Rangoon Gaol has been lately sentenced by the superintendent of the gaol to a flogging of thirty lashes for making a maliciously false charge against a prisoner in the gaol; and whether he will inquire into the case with a view to ensuring that prisoners awaiting trial shall, if they commit offences under the penal code, be tried and punished by the criminal courts and not by the departmental prison authorities.


I have seen a newspaper report of the case mentioned. It is alleged that the prisoner had brought a very serious charge against a fellow-prisoner, which charge was proved on investigation to be maliciously false. Under the Burma Gaol rules, criminal prisoners awaiting trial are subject to the prison rules as to offences and punishments so far as is necessary for the maintenance of gaol discipline, and the offence in this case was one with which the gaol superintendent is authorised to deal. I am calling for an official report of the circumstances.