§ MR. COURTHOPE (Sussex, Rye)To ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether the defective casting of the rudder of H.M.S. "Edward VII." was inspected in the rough or after it had been dressed; and whether the Admiralty will give instructions that in future all castings and mouldings must be inspected in the rough.
(Answered by Mr. Edmund Robertson.) This, and the four following Questions by the hon. Member relate to proceedings that took place under the preceding Board of Admiralty. I am informed that the rudder was partly inspected in the rough, but before complete inspection 61 was practicable the electric welding was performed. As regards the second Question, such instructions have been given with respect to all similar work.
§ MR. COURTHOPETo ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether the defective casting of the rudder of H.M.S "Edward VII." had, before inspection, been smudged with sal ammoniac, or some other preparation designed to produce a thick coating of rust or otherwise to obliterate the marks of tools or electric carbons; whether the practice of smudging castings before inspection is general; and whether the Admiralty will issue instructions to their inspectors not to pass any casting that has been smudged.
(Answered by Mr. Edmund Robertson.) I am informed that the treatment to which the rudder was subjected before inspection was secret, and no information regarding it reached the Admiralty of the day. There was no smudging. The Answer to the second Question is "no." In Answer to the third Question, instructions have been issued which it is believed will make any such improper treatment of a casting impossible.
§ MR. COURTHOPETo ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether the sound test was applied to the defective casting of the rudder of H.M.S. "Edward VII."; if so, whether the fore hammer used in the test was wielded by the inspector or by an employee of the Ayrshire Foundry Company; and whether the Admiralty will issue instructions that in future the sound test shall invariably be applied and that the fore hammer shall be wielded by the inspector himself.
(Answered by Mr. Edmund Robertson.) I am informed that the sound test was applied in this case, as it is in all others, according to the standing practice of the Admiralty. The fore hammer was wielded by an employee of the Ayrshire Foundry Company in the presence and hearing of an Admiralty inspector and according to his directions. It is not considered necessary to interfere with the discretion of the inspector as to the use of the fore hammer.
§ MR. COURTHOPETo ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether other castings supplied by the Ayrshire Foundry Company to any of His Majesty's ships now in commission have 62 been recently examined; and whether the Admiralty are satisfied that no defects exist in such castings similar to those discovered in the rudder of H.M.S. "Edward VII."
(Answered by Mr. Edmund Robertson): I am informed that all practicable examination of the castings supplied by the Ayrshire Foundry Company was made by order of the late Board of the Admiralty as soon as they received information about the defect in the rudder head of the "King Edward VII." All such castings have stood the test of actual service, and the Admiralty have no reason to suppose that defects similar to those reported in the case of the "King Edward VII." exist.
§ MR. COURTHOPETo ask the Secretary to the Admiralty what firms supplied the rudder and other castings for H.M.S. "Argyll"; and whether the Admiralty will institute a thorough examination of the castings built into this vessel.
(Answered by Mr. Edmund Robertson): I am informed that the particulars asked for in the first part of the Question could not be supplied without a long investigation of old accounts; and, as to the second, it is impossible without incurring very considerable expense in opening up completed work. All these castings have satisfactorily withstood the stress of actual service.