HC Deb 22 April 1907 vol 172 c1423

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland why the Churches (Scotland) Act Commission, notwithstanding the terms of their memorandum of 19th October, 1906, that it is only in very extraordinary circumstances that the Commissioners could hold that the Church which is entitled to the property by statistics should not possess the buildings, has allocated to the Free Church the church at Port William, although the Free Church there has no minister, no office bearers, and no Sunday services; whether there was any local investigation at Port William; and whether he can, hold put any hope that the Commission will reconsider this case and allocate the church to the United Free Church, which is entitled to it by statistics.


This is a very peculiar case, as those who are acquainted with the circumstances are aware; and after very careful consideration the Commission have come to the decision which has been announced. I have no option but to regard it as final; as this is a matter which the Act leaves entirely to the discretion of the Commission.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in 1906 the Free Church congregation presented a memorial to the Commissioners informing them of their intention of joining the United Free Church, and asking to have the property allocated? Why was not that carried out?


I can only say that the whole of the facts were before the Royal Commission when they came to their decision.