HC Deb 17 April 1907 vol 172 cc982-3
MR. MIDDLEMORE (Birmingham, N.)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether he will consider the propriety of modifying or withdrawing the Treasury letter of 11th November, 1898, addressed to the Trustees of the National Gallery, so as to give the latter the power of refusing to exhibit such pictures purchased out of the funds of the Chantry Trust which they may consider unsuitable for this purpose, and also of eliminating from the Gallery such undesirable pictures as are already there; and, if the Treasury cannot adopt either of these courses, is it prepared to take any steps to restore to the Trustees of the National Gallery complete control over the pictures exhibited in their Gallery which they now share with the Chantry Trustees.


The Treasury letter referred to having been written under legal advice, I do not see my way to suggest any modification of it. I am not aware that, when the Chantry pictures have once been handed over to the National Gallery Trustees, any further control over them is either claimed or exercised by the Chantry Trustees.


May I ask the hon. Gentleman whether, if adequate proposals were to come from this side of the House so that a measure could be treated as non-contentious, he would be prepared to introduce a Bill to reform the Chantry Trust?


So far as I am informed, no Bill for the reform of the Chantry Trust would be likely to pass through this House unopposed. If the hon. Gentleman would let me know the nature of the proposals he would like to see brought forward, I would, of course, give them my consideration.

MR. LEIF JONES (Westmoreland, Appleby)

Will the Government consider the advisability of carrying out the recommendations of the Lords' Committee on the Chantry Trust of 1904, a good many of which would not need legislation?


If my hon. friend will put any points before me I will consider them.