HC Deb 16 April 1907 vol 172 c739
MR. BRAMSDON (Portsmouth)

To ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether their Lordships have under consideration the question of the pay and position of the plumbers and plumbers' mates of the Royal Navy; whether he is aware that, as mechanics, their trade is the lowest paid in the Navy; that no increase of pay has been given since the rating of plumber was introduced into His Majesty's service over forty years ago, whilst all other branches have obtained concessions, in some way or other, as regards pay and obtained the rating of chief petty officer; that, by being unable to attain that rating, they are unable to obtain an increase of pay whilst serving and are also debarred from receiving an extra halfpenny per day for that rating on being pensioned; and that they are not in receipt of the 2d. per day granted to some ratings for re-engaging and no progressive pay of any description is granted.

(Answered by Mr. Edmund Robertson.) The question of the pay and position of plumbers has been considered in the past, and no reason is seen for its reconsideration at the present time. The rating is among the lowest paid of the artisan class as the work requires less skill than that of the more highly paid classes. The rating was established in 1860, with pay at the rate of 2s. 3d. a day (continuous service); this rate was increased to 2s. 5d. in 1864, and again to 3s. in 1867. It may be mentioned that some of the concessions to other classes have been in the direction of equalising their pay with that of plumbers. There are other ratings who do not rise to chief petty officers, e.g., blacksmiths, coopers, painters. As plumbers do not serve as chief petty officers they are ineligible for the addition to pension which is granted only for service as such. Re-engagement pay of 2d. a day is only given to seamen ratings. Plumbers' mates, being second class petty officers, receive an increase of pay on advancement to the rating of plumber (first class petty officer). They are also eligible for additional pay according to the number of good conduct badges earned.