HC Deb 15 April 1907 vol 172 c572
MR. REES (Montgomery Boroughs)

To ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Colonial Office has any Report regarding the morality of the Chinese upon the Rand other than that of Mr. Bucknill, the publication of which is undesirable; and whether he can see his way to obtain from the Transvaal Government any such Report from the Rand Free Church Council, which is stated upon the authority of the Right Reverend J. T. M'Clure, D.D., Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of South Africa, to have found, presumably after inquiry, that the morality of such Chinamen is superior to that of the Kaffirs.

(Answered by Mr. Churchill.) The Secretary of State has no further Report on the subject of Chinese morality, but the subject will no doubt engage the attention of the Transvaal Ministry.