HC Deb 30 October 1906 vol 163 cc883-4
*MR. W. T. WILSON (Lancashire, Westhoughton)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to a decision given by the magistrates at the county police court held at Bolton on the 8th inst., when three men were convicted for poaching and assaulting a gamekeeper and three policemen, and sentenced, two of them to six months imprisonment with hard labour, and to find securities at the end of the term, or in default undergo a further term of twelve months imprisonment, while the other man was sentenced to three months imprisonment with hard labour, and to find securities or be imprisoned for a further six months, while, for assaulting the keeper one man was sentenced to two months, and for assaulting the police, the other two men were sentenced to six months imprisonment, the terms of imprisonment to be consecutive; and whether he will inquire into the case with the object of reducing the sentences imposed.


My attention having been called to the case by my hon. friend's Question, I asked the magistrates for a report, which I have received to-day. At present I can only say that great violence was used on the keepers, the prisoners being armed with formidable bludgeons, that the prisoners might have been tried by a jury at quarter sessions, but elected to be tried at petty sessions, and that the sentences for night poaching are concurrent with the sentences for the assaults, and not consecutive.


Was not the word consecutively used when the sentences were passed?


My information is that they are concurrent and not consecutive. I have no information as to the words used in passing sentence.

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