§ MR. JOYCE (Limerick)To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to the case of a labourer named John Lynch, of Wem Road, Singland, Limerick, who applied for a cottage on the Henry Estate at Singland; whether he is aware that at the inquiry the landlord had two solicitors to oppose the application, while Lynch who was unable to employ a solicitor was unrepresented, and that the claim was refused; and whether, seeing that Dr. Holmes at the inquiry condemned as unfit for human habitation the house in which this man and his family lived, he will say what steps, if any, will be taken to get this man a cottage.
(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) The Local Government Board are aware that John Lynch applied for a labourer's cottage in the town of Singland, as stated, but, when examined on oath at the local iuquiry, Lynch admitted that he was in the employment of a grocer and had never worked for farmers. The case was therefore withdrawn on behalf of the district council before any objections which the landlord may have had wore stated. The medical officer of health appears to have merely condemned the sanitary arrangements in Lynch's house, and it would seem, therefore, that the proper course would be for the council to take the necessary steps under the Public Health Acts to have the house put into proper sanitary condition.