§ MR. FIELD (Dublin, St. Patrick)To ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether he can state if the Irish Ordnance Survey maps supplied for military purposes are in any way charged against Army Votes, and if the number of maps so supplied for the year ended 31st March can be stated; and whether he will consider the advisability of charging the cost of the maps for military purposes against Army Votes and crediting it to the Survey Vote.
§ (Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.) No charge is made against Army Votes directly for the cost of Ordnance Survey maps supplied for military purposes; but the Royal Engineer Survey Companies employed on the Ordnance Survey are 1022 maintained from Army Votes. The future financial arrangements in these matters are under consideration. The number of Irish Ordnance Survey maps supplied for military purposes in the year ended 31st March last was 20,975.