HC Deb 05 November 1906 vol 164 cc133-4
MR. WEIR (Ross and Cromarty)

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland whether he is aware that the houses erected by the Congested Districts Board, and forming the crofter settlement at Aignish, Island of Lewis, are not watertight; and, seeing that the crofters complain that the houses are otherwise unsatisfactory, and that no water supply is provided for the township, will steps be taken to have the defects remedied at an † Small Holdings (Scotland).—Return showing, by counties, the number and acreage in each year from 1891 of Small Holdings in Scotland, the annual rental of which is (a) below £30; and (b) between £30 and £50, and distinguishing cases in which buildings and fences have been erected and drainage done at the expense of (1) the landlord; (2) the tenant; and (3) at mutual expense of landlord and tenant. early date. I beg further to ask the Secretary for Scotland if he will state who is responsible for the preparation of the plans and specifications of the Congested Districts Board crofter settlement at Aignish, Island of Lewis, who superintended the construction of the houses, and by whom was the work passed; and seeing that the houses are not watertight and are otherwise defective, will care be taken that the persons employed are not again entrusted with this class of work.


The Congested Districts Board is responsible for the plans and specifications of the houses, and their construction was carried out under the superintendence of the Board's architect and engineer. The roofing material has been complained of and is receiving attention. Otherwise the houses are not defective. The "upkeep" period has not yet expired, and the houses have not yet been finally taken over from the contractor.


The right hon. Gentleman has said nothing as to the water supply.


That question is under consideration.