HC Deb 05 November 1906 vol 164 cc84-6
MR. CHANNING (Northamptonshire, E.)

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what have been the numbers of fatal and other accidents in the Metropolitan district caused by motor vehicles other than motor omnibuses and by motor omnibuses, respectively, in each month since he last gave similar figures to the House of Commons; whether the Metropolitan police inspectors entrusted with carrying out the regulations as to motor omnibuses record and report all instances of failure of the brakes or other parts of motor omnibuses causing stoppage and interference with the general traffic, failure of the steering machinery, skidding or loss of control, any other forms of failure of the machinery, and bad driving involving risk of accident and police interference; and whether he will state to the House the number of such instances of each kind reported during the same months.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Gladstone.) The following table gives complete information as to the accidents caused by vehicular traffic in the metropolis during the months of July and August last. The corresponding figures for the month of September were given in reply to a Question of my hon. friend the Member for Ross and Cromarty, on the 31st ultimo; † while those for the month of October are not yet ready.

Return showing the number of accidents to persons or property known to police to have been caused in the streets, by the vehicles named, during the months of July and August, 1906.

Number of accidents shown in preceding columns in which personal injury resulted, caused by Remarks
Horse drawn Omnibuses Other horse drawn vehicles (excluding tramcars). Tramcars. Motor Cars (including Motor Cycles). Motor Omnibuses. Total.
Horse drawn Mechanically propelled
59 640 36 105 178 74 1,092 July, 1906
51 550 18 121 134 75 949 August, 1906

NOTE.—Any one accident can only he shown under the head of one of the classes of vehicles.

The metropolitan police inspectors -entrusted with carrying out the regula-

Month. Number reported for defective Brakes. Number reported for defective steering gear. Number reported for other failures of machinery. Number reported for Skidding. Number of proceedings against motor omnibus drivers for wanton, for wanton Furious, reckless, and dangerous driving.
July 110 17 86 No record kept 94
August 77 22 138 No record kept 43
September 47 10 117 77 30
October 53 15 125 157 58
287 64 466 234 225

tions as to motor omnibuses report all cases of defective vehicles coming to their notice, and a Return is appended giving the number of such cases during the past four months:—