HC Deb 29 March 1906 vol 154 c1517
MR. KENDAL O'BRIEN (Tipperary, Mid.)

To ask the President of the Board of Trade, whether the Irish Provident Assurance Company furnished his Department with a balance sheet and report for the past year; if so, was it of a satisfactory character; is the Company bound to issue an annual statement of accounts to the shareholders and customers; could he state the manner in which the capital of the Company is invested; and was the £20,000 statutory deposit made last year by a life assurance company with which the Irish Provident Assurance Company propose to transact business found by the latter; and, if not, could he state the manner in which it was found.

(Answered by Mr. Lloyd-George.) The Irish Provident Assurance Company, Limited is not empowered to transact life business, and consequently has not furnished the Board of Trade with a balance sheet and report for the past year. The Company is not bound by its articles of association to issue an annual statement of accounts to the shareholders and customers. I cannot say how the capital of the Company is invested; and with regard to the £20,000 deposit by a life assurance company with which the Irish Provident Assurance Company, Limited, propose to transact business, I have no information by whom or how the amount was found.