HC Deb 29 March 1906 vol 154 cc1514-5
SIR HOWARD VINCENT (Sheffield, Central)

To ask the President of the Board of Trade if he can state the value of the railway locomotives exported from this country during the last three years, 1903, 1904, and 1905, to the European Continent and the United States; how it compares with 1883, 1884, and 1885; and if those imported by the Foreign Governments concerned, or the State railways, now receive or did receive any special tariff favour.

(Answered by Mr. Lloyd-George.) The following statement shows the total value of the exports of locomotives from this country in the periods referred to in the question, together with the value of such exports to the European Continent and the United States:—

In 1883–5. In 1903–5.
Value of exports of locomotives:—
1. To all destinations- 4,545,009 6,672,583
2. To Europe and the United States 859,805 199,360
Of which—
To Europe 838,567 197,925
To United States 21,238 1,435
The only countries included under group 2 in which special tariff favours have been accorded to locomotives in † (4) Debates, cliii., 271. † (4) Debates, cliii., 1219–20. the years mentioned are Spain and Portugal. In Spain locomotives imported by railway companies have paid during the period 1903–5, a reduced rate of duty of sixteen pesetas, as comparred with the tariff rate of twenty-four pesetas. In Portugal exemption from duty has been accorded in both periods to articles imported on account of the State railways, or by companies which have secured this privilege by special law.