HC Deb 28 March 1906 vol 154 cc1269-70

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland in cases in which landlords submit to the Estates Commissioners purchase agreements purporting to have been signed by tenants, and the Commissioners hold that the prices are excessive, and on that ground refuse to advance the sum asked, do they communicate their decision with the grounds of it to the tenants who are principal parties in the matter; and, if not, will he take steps to have every such decision, with the grounds of it, communicated directly to every tenant whom it affects.


The Estates Commissioners inform me that in cases in which they may refuse to sanction the advances applied for, whether on the grounds of security or otherwise, it has been their practice to notify to the solicitor having carriage of the sales that such advances have been refused. The Commissioners assume that such notification is communicated by the solicitor to the tenant concerned, but they inform me that they will consider the desirability of directly notifying the tenant of their decision in such cases.