§ * MR. CHARLES MCVEIGH (Donegal, E.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he will state what are the qualifications and what is the salary of Mr. Fallon, inspector of the parish committee scheme of improvement under the Congested Districts Board, Ireland; whether the salary of the private secretary of this inspector is paid by the Board; and if the Board will consider whether the inspection of the scheme can be more efficiently and more economically carried out by the assistant county surveyors of the various county councils in Ireland than under the present system.
MR. BRYCEI am informed that Mr. Fallon is a member of the Institute of Civil Engineers. His salary is £200 per annum. He has no private secretary or clerical assistant. He is an assistant land inspector under the Congested Districts Board, and his principal duties are connected with the Board's estates. He has recently been directed to report on the manner in which the parish committee scheme in county Donegal has been carried 1278 out. The duties in question could not be transferred by the Board to county surveyors.