HC Deb 27 March 1906 vol 154 cc1080-1
MR. JOYCE (Limerick)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can say on what basis the estimate was made of the amount of £5,250,000 worth of butter produced in Ireland in 1905; whether he can say how the amount of £3,250,000, stated as the export figure of 1904, was arrived at; and is he now aware that the amount in both cases is much larger than the figures quoted above.


The estimate made by the Department of Agriculture of the total production of butter in Ireland in 1905 was made on the basis of the number of milch cows, exclusive of heifers in calf, and the estimated supply of milk available for butter-making. The estimate of the value of butter exported in 1904 was based on the returns of imports and exports obtained from the several port and harbour authorities and from shipping companies. It did not include butter sent by parcel post or carried as ships' stores, as there were no reliable means of estimating these quantities. The Department have no information to show that their estimates in these two cases were insufficient, but they would welcome a detailed statement from those who have arrived at higher estimates, showing how these estimates, have been arrived at.