HC Deb 26 March 1906 vol 154 cc820-1
MR. LUNDON (Limerick, E.)

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland can he say what is the number of children for whom, according to the standard of the Commissioners of national education in Ireland, accommodation exists in the female and infant schools at Kilfinane, county Limerick; what has been the number on the rolls and in average attendance for the last two quarters; is he aware that classes have been held during the winter months in sheds in the school yard; and that the manager has made an application to the Commissioners for a building grant for the erection of a boys' school so as to relieve the congestion; will he say what answer has been given by the Commissioners to this application; how long has the correspondence between the manager and the Commissioners on this matter been going on; and can he suggest any means by which a building grant for these schools may be obtained without further delay.

(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) I am informed by the Commissioners of National Education that the Kilfinane convent national school for female and infant pupils affords accommodation for 197 pupils, according to the Commissioners' requirements as to space. The number on the rolls on the 31st December, 1905, was 330, and the average attendances for the quarters ending 30th September and 31st December, 1905, were 284 and 283, respectively. The Commissioners are aware that classes have been held in sheds in the school yard on account of the insufficient space afforded by the school room. On the 14th August, 1905, the manager applied for a grant towards building a school house for boys, so that the present boys' school might be utilised to relieve the congestion in the convent school. On the 14th October, 1905, the manager was informed that as the existing funds for building grants were already hypothecated, his application could not be considered for the present. The need for additional accommodation was brought to the Commissioners' notice by the manager on the 9th September, 1904, and the Commissioners, having obtained and considered special Reports from their inspector, issued to the manager on the 16th December, 1904, the necessary forms on which to make application for a building grant. These forms were never returned by him. The question of the revision of plans for building school houses is under the consideration of the Irish Government and the Treasury, and will be decided with as little delay as possible.