§ SIR CHARLES DILKETo ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether he can state the number and cost of the forces having an organisation in troops or battalions or gun detachments, now Tinder the control of the Colonial Office and Foreign Office respectively, or under the control of His Majesty's Government exercised otherwise than through the War Office or the Government of India.
(Answered by Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman.) The number and cost of forces having an organisation in troops or battalions or gun detachments, now under the control of the Colonial Office (that is, exclusive of the self-governing Colonies of Canada, Australia, Cape Colony, and Natal; and Bermuda and Malta, where the troops are paid from Army funds), are as follows:—Total number, 47,920; total cost, £3,378,560. These figures include the South African Constabulary (4,500 men), for whom provision is made from Colonial funds (£1,317,755). There are no longer any forces under the control of the Foreign Office. There are no other forces under the control of his Majesty's Government exercised otherwise than through the War Office or the Government of India.