HC Deb 21 March 1906 vol 154 cc389-90

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, in reference to the Newman estate, Mallow, whether he can say under what section of the Land Act of 1903, or by what regulation of the Lord-Lieutenant under the said Act, the Estates Commissioners claim the right or discretion to exclude from the purchase scheme of this estate the tenant, Mr. T. C. O'Callagham, although he offered to purchase upon the same terms as the other tenant purchasers; and, having regard to the fact that this man was an industrious improving farmer, holding under a judicial tenancy, and has now been evicted, will the Commissioners retain in their own hands the corpus of the purchase money and the bonus, or take other steps to reinstate this man and place him in the same position as the other purchasing tenants on the estate.


I am informed by the Estates Commissioners that the holding † See (4) Debates, clii., 796. referred to was excluded from the purchase proceedings in pursuance of the powers given to the Commissioners by Section 98 of the Act of 1903, which provides that the expression "estate" shall mean any lands which the Estates Commissioners may declare fit to be regarded as a separate estate for the purposes of the Act. The Commissioners are now in communication with the vendor on the subject of the eviction of O'Callaghan, and while those communications are in progress they are not in a position to make any statement upon the concluding part of the Question.


This case is one of very great importance to the district.