HC Deb 12 March 1906 vol 153 cc931-2
MR. MEEHAN (Queen's County, Leix)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, in reference to the case of the second class supervisor appointed over 100 of his seniors, if he will state what were the special qualifications this officer possessed; was he given special opportunity to qualify as a specialist by being employed at the same class of work; did he, while he was still a second class supervisor, get special treatment in being retained in London district, which district many of his seniors were entitled to and anxious to get; and will an undertaking be given that if this officer be promoted to the rank of inspector when his special knowledge will be no longer required, he shall not take precedence over his official seniors who may be promoted at the same time.


(1) The special qualifications possessed by the officer in question are exceptional intelligence, exceptional knowledge, and exceptional zeal. (2) He had not been given special opportunities for the display or the development of these qualities, but has utilised such opportunities as have come in his way. (3) There were no applications from his seniors for appointment to the London district in which he was retained. (4) If this officer be promoted he will take precedence, relatively to others who passed for promotion at the same time, in accordance with his relative seniority as a supervisor. The Chairman of the Board of Inland Revenue will be happy to give the hon. Member any further information on this subject which he may desire.